
More and more people all over the world can enjoy the fascination of travelling. As a result, tourism has become a mainstay of many national economies. But at tourist hotspots the limits of quantitative growth have been reached. But there are largely unexploited qualitative growth potentials.   Book now Experience the future of tourism Tourism…

Smart City

Smart City pertain to intelligent infrastructure that supports residents in all their needs. On the other hand, smart processes enable very efficient operation and make an important contribution to sustainability. The networking of intelligent buildings with efficient mobility and a lean state apparatus bring real added value. Are you at the forefront with us? Book…


Uber disrupting the taxi industry was just the beginning: Our personal decision whether to own a car or to access shared mobility services is fundamentally changing. Explore the potential options for moving sustainably and flexibly into the future. Book now Experience the future of mobility Schedule Day 1 – January 16Day 2 – January 17Day…

Food Chain

Are emotionalization and commercialization drivers and accelerators along the food chain as complementary aspects besides tech? Book now Experience the future of food After recognizing that ecosystems are playing a major role especially when comes to food in the past, this term we are aiming to shift our focal points to topics like the commercialization…


As blockchain permeates all facets of transaction economy, the ecosystem expand and the impact of the new digital society is immense. This track will dive into the mixed Insights for blockchain technology, application and regulations from finance, industry, science and beyond. Join this track to meet the global blockchain professionals at the forefront of distributed…

Artificial Intelligence

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has been compared to the invention of fire. Yet, in the hands of the few, many still are unable to access its potential or to understand its deep impact. In this dedicated track, join us as we explore the need to understand the foundations for AI, explore its applications and…


What do we need to do today to be successful tomorrow? How does leadership need to change in the face of disruption? To drive radical change? To create positive impact above and beyond boundaries – of teams, organizations, sectors, cultures, and generations? What value does courage have in modern business? And how can leaders and…

Future of Work

Fresh leadership and thinking needed. New visions, a design approach to work and courage to make it happen, needed.  Every organization is searching for their purpose; individuals want to work with a company with a purpose. Or is this all hype? Does it differ where on the globe we look at this? Why now? What…