The Worldwebforum app!
An online melting pot of stories from leadership rockstars who come together to empower radical change by teaching driven executives how to become a better leader.
Worldwebforum has become the annual go-to conference in Zurich, Switzerland for entrepreneurial thinkers, nerds, mavericks, misfits and rebels from all walks of life. Over the years, we have generated hundreds of valuable pieces of content from our speakers community. And we are bringing it all online.
We have created the Worldwebforum app which is our interactive, owned digital platform. The app, accessible through mobile or on desktop, will have interactive polls, discussion forums, webinars and live chats with featured experts. We have invested in an editorial team to create content with mass appeal and relevance.
Our goal with this endeavor is to continue to foster radical ideas and successful collaborations throughout the years, regardless of the distance between participants. The Worldwebforum application will deliver content to inspire leaders of all backgrounds, seeking to establish lasting relationships with people that can help them pursue bold ideas for the betterment of the world. We seek to tear down communication barriers between fields, industries, and even cultures. Too often have we, the collective we, faced problems that could have been easily avoided given proper multidisciplinary focus, and too often are powerful ideas abandoned because the right people never had the chance to meet.
Gina Bianchini, CEO of the growing community platform Mighty Networks in Palo Alto shares her excitement about the Worldwebforum app:
“I was blown away by the global community that Worldwebforum has brought together and what is possible now that it is taking the magic that happens at the Worldwebforum (conference) and translating it into a global online community where we can connect with the people who are going to be the most interesting and the most inspiring.”
Access to this global community of driven leaders like you. Download the app now.