2020 is here!

Your first few weeks of the year will definitely be remarkable as you are bound to meet at the Worldwebforum exceptional leaders with stories that mark history. 

Demolishing glass ceilings, forcing climate action, building a football empire, and launching a new global payment system – these are just some of the feats of our latest featured speakers.

Ann Cairns

Executive Vice Chairman, Mastercard, London, UK

Roger Hallam

Co-Founder, Extinction Rebellion, London, United Kingdom

Sepp Blatter

Former-President, FIFA, Zurich, Switzerland

Dante Disparte

Vice Chairman, Head of Policy and Communications, Libra Association, Washington D.C., USA


During the two days of Worldwebforum, all participants will be together in the Main Hall to listen to the Main stage keynotes. Then, you can choose between 13 tracks to get a deep dive into particular interest areas.

The 5 key sessions are themed:

  1. Radical is the new Normal
  2. I had a dream
  3. Create Value
  4. F@%#  Efficiency
  5. Walk the Talk

Stay for the Show, Dinner & Party

beecom will be marking its milestone 20th anniversary with a massive birthday party on January 16 at 6pm, where speakers, partners, guests and entertainers will enjoy free-flowing drinks, delicious food, and awesome music. Make sure to stay for the festivities.

Worldwebforum speaker Lars Ulrich

Lars Ulrich

Co-Founder & Drummer, Metallica, San Francisco, USA

LD Sergi

CEO, Pax, San Francisco, USA
Worldwebforum moderator Tama Vakeesan

Tama Vakeesan

Reporter, Nau, Zurich, Switzerland

Ulrike Schaede

Professor of Japanese Business, University of California, San Diego, USA

Jose Morales

Head of Global Field Operations, Atlassian, San Francisco, USA

Dominic Dillier

Moderator, SRF, Zurich, Switzerland

You have made the right decision to start your year the Worldwebforum way.

Let’s have an awesome time at the conference!
