Join our LinkedIn Group:

Worldwebforum 2020

As easy as one click and you’re in. Follow the steps from the videos below and join our LinkedIn group to get connected with your peers of Worldwebforum 2020.

Step 1

Download the LinkedIn app on your mobile device and sign in to your LinkedIn account.

Step 2

Activate your mobile location settings and your LinkedIn app notifications

Step 3

Make sure you enable notifications within your LinkedIn account.

  • Push notifications should be On
  • Email settings should be On
  • Invitations to connect should be allowed for everyone on LinkedIn
  • Page and Event invitations should be permitted

Step 4

Connect with “Worldwebforum Zurich” profile.

Step 5

Accept our invitation to join the group Worldwebforum 2020.

Step 6

You are in! Check out the “find nearby” feature on the “My Network” section and connect with your peers at Worldwebforum.

Do you need support or have feedback on how to improve the Worldwebforum 2020 group? Contact us and bring your ideas in.