A Worldwebforum revolution is brewing and it is made up of doers who are #winningnotwhining.
Worldwebforum Next Gen Leader’s Manifesto
Lack of job security
Climate change
The Pandemic
Leadership lag
The Winning mindset
How are you fighting, in a big or small way, inefficiency?
Join the Worldwebforum and be part of social innovators who are creating solutions to problems and innovating to create value for the next generation.
Be part of a movement bigger than your own.
Create a Worldwebforum account for free and join the Next Gen Leaders Group inside Worldwebforum to be amongst other social innovators.
The Doers
“I spent years complaining that people are unwillingly locked into a meat production system that destroys the environment and creates massive animal suffering because they love the final product: meat. So, I decided to make meat from animal cells that is tastier, safer, and more sustainable.”
Brian Spears
Founder & CEO – New Age Meats, San Francisco, USA
“I could not take how big corporations continue to take our personal data and allow it to be abused, so I created the Own Your Data Foundation- to empower people to fight for data protection and increase digital literacy amongst technology users.”
Brittany Kaiser
Co-founder, Own Your Data Foundation, New York, USA
“Approximately 60% of Kenyans do not have access to reliable electricity. At Strauss Energy, we’ve created solar roofing tiles that do not only look good, but also affordably tap electricity from the sun, giving home owners up to 20% savings on their bills.”
Charity Wanjiku
Co-founder & COO, Strauss Energy, Nairobi, Kenya
“Our understanding of what is true is under assault and our institutions are failing before our eyes. Our sense-making capacity must be rescued by technology that does not hijack our consciousness but liberates it.”
Arif Khan
Founder & CEO, Alethea AI, Washington D.C., USA
The Worldwebforum bee
What does it represent?
The Worldwebforum bee symbolizes community and collaboration. When bees come together, they are a force to be reckoned with. You’d be hard-pressed to find a species that works in harmony better than bees.
Albert Einstein once said, “If bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” They help propagate our means of survival. They are the best examples in explaining reproduction when they pollinate. Like a Worldwebforum Next Gen Leader, the bee is an excellent doer.
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