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A Worldwebforum revolution is brewing and it is made up of doers who are #winningnotwhining.

Worldwebforum Next Gen Leader’s Manifesto

Lack of job security. Climate change. The Pandemic. Discrimination. Leadership lag.

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    I refuse to inherit a broken world.
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    I understand that the work must go beyond marching down the streets and creating noise.
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    World problems are not solved by those who just complain but by those who do.
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    I am joining Worldwebforum, a community made up of leadership rockstars who are not afraid to confront problems and tackle them head on.

Worldwebforum Next Gen Leaders will disrupt and replace old and ineffective leaderships and systems.

We will counter inefficiency with concrete solutions powered by technology and innovation.

We will learn from other Next Gen Leaders and create active, adaptive, and authentic leaders out of each other.

We will commit to #winningnotwhining.

The Doers