As lead organizer, you are the ultimate steward of the event. Your job is to manage the executive team, which we’ll talk about more in the next section. The executive team works under you, and each of them often has a team of volunteers that will work under them.
Your on tour coach will help you to fulfill your tasks and follow the guidelines. Your coach takes care of the quality assurance of your WWF on Tour events.
Your team’s executive producer will lead all production and planning for the day of the event. They oversee all of the roles happening on the day of your event related to content production, stage management, technology, and video.
Most of the time, you will need a secondary team of volunteers to assist your executive team in their tasks, and for support on the day of your event. You should let your executive staff help you find the right people for the support they need, or if necessary, you can designate someone with the role of volunteer recruitment and management.
Venue & Event production
We recommend selecting an event space that is not commonly used for business events, such as a live music venue or club. It should be dark and lit with black tones. Here’s an event checklist to use when scouting an event space:
- An ability to project and watch videos
- A stage for the host and live speakers
- A location for food and beverage setup
- Conveniently located bathrooms
- Exhibit space for sponsor materials, speakers, a bloggers’ lounge, etc.
- Party space for sponsored lunches and other events
Design your stage:
- Every stage is required to include your official WORLDWEBFORUM on tour city logo. So make sure you create a large logo and place it in a visible space on the stage. If you can’t get a stand-up, 3D logo, a projection screen could also work.
- Position your speakers, the screen and any props carefully so that there’s a good view for the audience.
Any event producer knows that there is a lot to cover when it comes to event production. The key to success is to plan ahead, and take care of your needs as early as possible. Here are the need-to-knows that will guide you in your production planning:
- Logistics
Your video and production manager should create a production schedule and checklist, so you make sure you have everything covered.
- Equipment and crew
There’s a good chance you will have multiple people managing the production of your event.
- Audio needs
Your microphones are one of the most important components of a WORLDWEBFORUM on tour. After all, this is what your speakers will be using to communicate their story to the audience. Audio recording is another big consideration — if the audio on your talks is bad it will have less chance of being considered for WORLDWEBFORUM Stream.
- Slides and projector
All of your live speakers should rehearse using their slides to make sure that they work. Speakers have to make sure all of the slides are in the right order, according to the event program.
- Lighting needs
Remember that your lighting is for a video production. Creating an environment on stage that works for the camera is very different from your standard stage lighting for a play or conference. If possible, consult with a lighting director familiar with video production.
- Video production
You’ll want your video production to be at its highest quality so that you can share your local WORLDWEBFORUM on tour speakers with the world.
- Technology
Will you have someone to fill the role of technical assistant, in case any problems arise? Will your event have wi-fi? Hire or task someone with tech experience with the role of technical director to make sure all your tech needs are in place.
- Electricity
Make sure you have electric outlets in the right places, and/or enough extension cords. You should also know where the circuit breaker is in your venue, in case of a blown fuse. Ask the owner or manager of your venue if there are other electricity needs you should be aware of.
Video & Photography
Please refer to our “Impressions” page for a visual stylistic reference for event photography.
You’ll want your video and photo production to be at its highest quality so that you can share your local WORLDWEBFORUM on tour speakers with the world.
Ensure that videographers and photographers have the right equipment for filming movement in low-light. The venue will be dark and there may be limited natural light available.
Style should be candid and capture the atmosphere of the event. Here’s a non-exhaustive checklist of shots that your crew should aim to capture:
- Each speaker on stage should have a range of shots from various angles: wide angle including stage, close up – that shows the emotion of their speech.
- Crowd networking in venue
- Venue: before & during event
- Portraits of “Who’s who”
- Live entertainment action shots
- Hospitality and catering
- If you have partners, shots of their branded elements or product contributions
Video and photo files, including the full guest list, should be saved to a google drive organized by the above categories and be shared with WORLDWEBFORUM within 14 days after the event.
Videos and photos should be saved in two formats: as original quality and optimized for web.
Note that any and all right in the content produced or derived from the event shall exclusively belong to WORLDWEBFORUM.
Webcasts can be a fantastic way to reach your community who could not be at the event in person, so promote the availability of a webcast in the weeks leading up to your event on social media and direct mail campaigns.
We recommend that the production of the webcast is tested at least one day prior for sound, lighting, signal and transmission quality.
Speakers program & topic
The best way to choose topics that fit both your theme and your organization’s needs is by creating a long list of big topics and subtle questions. You have to discuss the topic with the WORLDWEBFORUM on tour coach.
Your speaker or performer’s invitation should be a formal letter or email, outlining the reasons why you’re inviting them to your WORLDWEBFORUM on tour event.
There is a lot of time and effort that goes into speaker preparation. Crafting, memorizing, and delivering a talk is drastically different from giving a speech or lecture.
Their presentation should have a clear link to the topic and clear key takeaways for the audience. The speakers should be aware that their speech is not to be a sales pitch.
To capture the spirit of the WORLDWEBFORUM we recommend you follow WORLDWEBFORUM’s program structure. Here are some basic principles to follow:
- Start strong
You’ll want to open people’s minds right from the start – so be sure your event has a very strong opening.
- Mix it up
Break up your program a few shorter talks or panel discussions or fireside chats.
- End with emotion
Save the most gripping speakers for the end. This is when your attendees are most open to being moved. It will leave them with a feeling that will stay with them – maybe even motivate them to action.
Guests & experience
Organizers should select their audience carefully, choosing participants from a wide variety of backgrounds who can contribute meaningfully to the conversation.
- Experience
While the actual show will “wow” your attendees, don’t forget all of the small things that make a WORLDWEBFORUM experience great. Every detail of the event feels special. It’s your job to make that happen.
- Food and Drinks
We like the smell of freshly roasted coffee and we love beer. Mediterranean appetizers and healthy snacks round off the culinary experience.
- Registration
Make registration easy and friendly — print out an excel spreadsheet with names so you can check them off as they arrive. If you can do this digitally with an iPad, even better!
- Badges
The names should be big so people can meet each other easily and job titles are a must.
- Socialising
Events aren’t just about the speakers, they are also about the people you meet. Give attendees ample time in between sessions and space in your event venue to interact with each other, engage in event activities, and more.
- Dinners and After Parties
Speaking of networking, after-parties are a fun, casual way to bring attendees together and allow them to let loose after a long day of their minds being stimulated.
- Music
Music is engrained into WORLDWEBFORUM. Stong rock riffs are used to introduce speakers, and music during socializing sessions should be upbeat, edgy and loud enough to get a party started (yet, at a level still suitable for conversation).
Finance & partnerships
Potential hosts must enter a license agreement with WORLDWEBFORUM that states the financial obligation of each party.
Use this checklist to develop a line-by-line breakdown of key categories such as:
- Venue (including food and beverage)
- Photo and Video (during and after the event)
- Marketing
- Speaker management
- Administration
- Audience experience
You’ll be surprised at how many costs can be supplemented with in-kind donations. This can be done through sponsors, or those willing to donate their services for something in return. Maybe the local baker can provide cupcakes in exchange for tickets to the event.
Post-Event activities
You are responsible for sending all attendees a survey within 48 hours after your event has completed. Please ask the following two questions:
What is the likelihood of recommending this event to a friend? (Likert scale)
Why did you give us the rating? (open-ended)
- Photos
Please share all pictures WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour event within 24 hours. We will provide you the respective google drive folder.
- Video Footage
Please share the video material with us within 24 hours. We will provide you the respective vimeo account.
Branding & Promotion
- You may only use the WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour in ‘CITY’ designed by the WORLDWEBFORUM.DESIGN OF EVENT MATERIALSWhen it comes to designing your materials, consistency is key. Every material should have the same WORLDWEBFORUM on TOUR ‘CITY’ logo, and whatever other elements of your design you decide to incorporate.Here are the major materials you’ll want to design, print, and have prepared well in advance:
- Badges
- Signs
- Event program
- Give-aways
We will create a WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour ‘CITY’ Landingpage which is integrated on For this we need the following documents:
- Date / Times
- Procedure / Program
- Venue address
- Text from the host, including a quote about hosting a WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour event.
You should set up an event landing page on your website for your WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour event, that will serve as the online hub for event info, updates, blog posts, videos, and more.
Please use all logos and information from the WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour ‘CITY’ landing page.
In addition to general info about your event, your site’s homepage is required include our provided description of WORLDWEBFORUM and inclusion in the footer text “Thie event is produced under license in collaboration with WORLDWEBFORUM.”
Naturally, your website should include general information about your event, including:
- The event name, date and theme
- The event venue and city
- A list of the local speakers and performers
- The session schedule (when it’s available)
- A separate page thanking sponsors
Consider also other interactive elements, like links to the event’s social media accounts, a blog, an email sign up form, and other promotional items.
Here are some ways to engage the online community on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube:
- Invite your friends and guests
- Announce speakers as you confirm them, tagging them in posts
- Post photos
- Post video material
- Share blog posts
- Tweet all event updates
- Engage with others in conversations
- use #worldwebforum #ontour hashtags
In addition to your regular promotion channels such as blogs, email and social media, WORLDWEBFORUM on Tour will be a unique event in your city that may be of interest to trade and mainstream press.
We recommend that you issue a press release to attract media attention. Please include our boilerplate language and a quote from our team. Our marketing team will happily work with your local press relations team to ensure the event achieves impactful media coverage.
You might also ask your speakers also engage their communications teams to promote their involvement in the event.
Additional promotion via your channels should be shared with WORLDWEBFORUM so that we can extend the reach of your on Tour event to our community.
Guidance & support