LinkZoomDetails WWW inventor Berners-Lee receives award from Schneider-AmmannCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017Computerworld
LinkZoomDetails How Switzerland plans to climb the digital divideCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017Tagesanzeiger
LinkZoomDetails Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Internet, at the Worldwebforum in ZurichCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 2017Bote
LinkZoomDetails Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann honours father of the World Wide WebCoverage, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 2017business24
LinkZoomDetails Machine Learning and Digital Business StrategiesCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 2017persönlich
LinkZoomDetails A St. Gallen woman makes her career in Silicon ValleyCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 201720 Minuten
LinkZoomDetails Herminia Ibarra “We must sharpen our sensors”Coverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 2017Handelszeitung
LinkZoomDetails A digital manifesto for Switzerland, Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-AmmannCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24, 2017Neue Zürcher Zeitung
LinkZoomDetails Urs Hölzle “No replacement of bosses by robots”Coverage, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 24,
LinkZoomDetails Jeremy Abbett “If you don’t keep learning, you’ll become irrelevant”Coverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 23, 2017Handelszeitung