LinkZoomDetails Start-Ups: Advertima is the coolest Swiss startup 2017Coverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 27, 2017WIRTSCHAFTSZEIT
LinkZoomDetails Opinion robots, research robots and guidance robotsCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 26, 2017Salzburger Nachrichten
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LinkZoomDetails Five Presentations on Video Content MarketingCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 26, 2017persönlich
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LinkZoomDetails The inventor of the web honoured by Johann Schneider-AmmannCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017ICTjournal
LinkZoomDetails Anita Roth at the Worldwebforum, Zurich has understood the benefits of AirbnbCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017cash
LinkZoomDetails Silicon Valley meets Swiss web leadersCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017Bilan
LinkZoomDetails What managers can learn from Burning ManCoverage, Print, OnlineBy LaraJanuary 25, 2017Handelszeitung