Why you should listen
Dr. Angela Nicoara is an industry-recognized and impact-driven systems researcher, technical leader, and innovator with 18 years of experience in industry and research, with successful track record of building novel technologies in IoT, mobile and distributed systems from inception to widespread adoption. She is expert in creating the vision, leading-edge technologies, systems and services. Angela has deep knowledge of technology, software and business, strong innovation and technical leadership, with proven track record of recognition in building novel systems that shape the emerging trends in IoT, mobile, distributed systems, energy efficiency technologies, and have significant impact in Internet technologies in the world.
Angela is the Head of IoT Innovation Lab, leading IoT Systems & Software Research at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU), Department Informatik, Switzerland. Her work has been at the forefront of intelligent, efficient, connected sensing IoT systems. Previously, she was a Staff Research Scientist and Engineering Manager of the Platform Architecture Engineering Group at Intel Labs USA, working on IoT low power systems for smart edge computing. Prior to that she was a Senior Research Scientist at Deutsche Telekom Silicon Valley Innovation Laboratories, where she conducted pioneering research on open and programmable mobile platforms (Android). She received a PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, where she was the leader, designer and builder of the PROSE open source system. After two years building search engine and information logistics systems at the German software company Caatoosee, Angela joined ETH Zurich, working on runtime adaptation systems. During her PhD, she was selected for an internship at Google in California.
Her research interests are in the areas of systems software, IoT, mobile systems and services, Android, runtime adaptation, energy efficiency, distributed systems, information and communication systems, and Internet technologies and innovations.
Angela’s work has been published in numerous leading scientific conferences, workshops and symposia proceedings, and is a regular speaker and panelist at major international scientific and industry conferences. Angela received several prestigious awards and honors for her research and technical contributions, including Intel Division Recognition Award, Women in IT Awards USA – Finalist – “Innovator of the Year” (Top 10 Women Innovators in USA), Best Paper Awards from IEEE RTAS and ACM WWW, Deutsche Telekom Innovation Award. Her work has been quoted by the press and media, as well as she chaired and served as a technical program committee (TPC) member of multiple industry and academic conferences.
Meet Angela at Worldwebforum 2020 where she is Food Chain Track Speaker.
About Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU)
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is one of seven universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. It was founded in 1997 under the Intercantonal Council of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Central Switzerland (FHZ).
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is funded by the six central Swiss cantons, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden, Nidwalden and Zug. It comprises of the Lucerne Schools of Engineering and Architecture, Business, Information Technology, Social Work, Art and Design and Music.
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts fulfils its mandate in the four areas of education, continuing and executive education, applied research and development, and services. The bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes follow the requirements of business, culture and civil society and prepare students for the needs of the job market. Ambitious professionals can choose from a wide range of continuing and executive education courses.
Because of its research activities and specialised services, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is an important and reliable partner for enterprises in the private sector, federations/associations and public authorities. It maintains an extensive national and international network.
The University’s mission, vision and framework of values describe its essential purpose as an educational institution, the values and principles that govern its conduct, and the objectives it pursues.
Angela Nicoara is the Head of IoT Innovation Lab, leading IoT Systems & Software Research at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU), Department Informatik, Switzerland.
She is an impact-driven technical leader and innovator with 18 years of experience in industry and research, with a proven track record of building breakthrough technologies, systems, and software architectures in IoT, mobile, and distributed systems from inception to widespread adoption (at Intel, Deutsche Telekom, Google, ETH Zürich, Caatoosee, WebQuote, HSLU).
Angela received her PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zürich. Her work has been published in numerous leading technical conferences, workshops and symposia proceedings.
She is a regular speaker and panelist at premium international industry and scientific conferences. She received several prestigious awards and honors for her work and technical contributions, including Intel Division Recognition Award, Women in IT Awards USA-Finalist -“Innovator of the Year” (Top 10 Women Innovators in USA), Best Paper Awards from IEEE RTAS and ACM WWW, Deutsche Telekom Innovation Award.
Her work has been quoted by the press and media, as well as chaired and served as TPC member of multiple industry and scientific conferences. She is a member of ACM and IEEE societies.