He is the creative mind behind Dancing Burning Man, a visual treat about the epic Burning Man movement

James Wolfensberger

Member, Burning Man Project, Zurich, Switzerland

photo by Manon Nyffeler

photo by Manon Nyffeler

photo by Manon Nyffeler

photo by Manon Nyffeler

Why you should listen

Burning Man has grown from a local beach-side festival to a community event attracting 70’000 people to the Nevada desert every year. It was where Google took their first CEO to see whether he is fit for the job. James Wolfensberger captured the spirit of the movement in his epic documentary Dancing Burning Man. It highlights the beauty and art of community transformation.

As Producer of Dancing Burning Man, he worked with a world of artists, tech leaders, artisans and people of all trades and walks of life in the Nevada desert living according to a new set of rules that encompass radical self-expression and self-reliance.

Meet James at Worldwebforum 2020 where he is a Future of Work Track Speaker.


Live simply. Dream Big. Be grateful. Give love. Laugh lots.
Manon Nyffeler and James Wolfensberger are a dream team. The former Swiss couple recently embarked on a cross-Burning Man events trip, documenting the resulting work in a film.



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