He specialises in peer-to-peer financial systems, advising the EU Parliament and the UN about blockchain technologies

Paolo Tasca

Executive Director, UCL Centre for Blockchain Technology, London, UK

Why you should listen

Paolo Tasco’s expertise lies on Blockchain technologies and Complex Systems. He is a reputable advisor specialising in Fintech forms of new digital finance, like Bitcoin and digital currencies, powered by distributed ledger technologies.

He advises the European Parliament and the United Nations about how to use new technologies that are dramatically transforming economic systems, and society in general, over the last few decades.

His work is vital as companies stand on the brink of a fourth industrial revolution, which will fundamentally alter the way people live, work, and relate to one another.

Meet Paolo at Worldwebforum 2020 where he is Blockchain Track Speaker.


Leading European research hub focused on:

The impact of blockchain technologies on socio-economic systems.
The promotion of a safe and organic development and adoption of blockchain-based platforms.

Three main lines of work:
• Academic Research Centre, supported by eight departments and more than thirty scientists
• A Centre of Excellence, with multidisciplinary expertise, providing consultancy services to industry partners
• A neutral think-tank working to foster open dialogue and sharing of platforms, resources, and ideas amongst the Centre’s industry partners

The CBT Student Division is the first and largest university society in the world focussing specifically on the Blockchain technology.

The student division aims to:

• Maximise interest and spread awareness of the Blockchain
• Imbue keen students with practical technical skills
• Connect young professionals looking for opportunities and industry leaders looking for qualified talent in the Blockchain field.



Paolo Tasca is a Digital Economist specialising in P2P financial systems. An advisor on blockchain technologies for different international organisations including the EU Parliament and the United Nations, Paolo is founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT) at University College London.

Previously, he was Lead Economist on digital currencies and P2P financial systems at Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt.